Emelies Travels -

2015-01-27  22:04:00

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Sista dygnet spenderade vi i Cancun, hängde på stranden och shoppade souvenirer. Vi har inte haft möjlighet att köpa med oss grejer i våra backpacks under resan, så Mexico fick stå för hela resans souvenirer typ. 
Vattnet var sjukt fint i Cancun, mycket klarare och blåare än i Playa del Carmen. Stränderna var finare också. Men vädret däremot, vad sjutton hände? Det blev jäkligt kallt helt plötsligt, och blåsigt. Det kom Nordliga vindar så ena dagen gick vi runt och frös, vi räddade oss i ett shoppingcenter där det till och med var varmare trots AC. Sista dagen dock var som en svensk sommardag och resångesten började tränga sig på. Att komma hem till ett slaskigt Sverige kändes ganska främmande...  


// The last days we spent in Cancun, we went to the beach and shopped souvenirs. We have not had the opportunity to put stuff in our backpacks during the trip, so Mexico was had to stand for all the souvenirs.
The water was really pretty in Cancun, much brighter and bluer than in Playa del Carmen. The beaches were better too. But the weather - what the heck happened? It got pretty damn cold all of a sudden, and windy. The last day however was like a Swedish summer day. It didn't feel too good that we would be flying home to a slushy Sweden in a few hours...

Christine thought the water was a bit chilly haha
Jobba i Australien och Kanada

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I have moved! Check out my new site at Emelie's Travels.

Welcome to my blog! I'm writing mostly in Swedish, but feel free to use the google translation tool to read it in your language.
Stockholm, Sweden
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Are you interested in my photos? Please visit www.shutterstock.com for more information.

My photography interest started in 2012 when I did my snowseason in Canada. I bought my first DSLR in December 2013 and since then I've been practicing on my own, always trying new things and ame for getting better photos.
- Nikon D610
- Panasonic Lumix DMC GX1
- GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition

Emelie Persson
Stockholm, Sweden

In this blog I'm writing about my life as a backpacker and a seasonal worker. I've been traveling the past five years and just can't stop. I'm simply too dependent and the grass is always greener on the other side they say... I hope to inspire and help other Travellers by sharing my experiences through this blog. If there's any questions, don't hesitate to write a comment or contact my mail. And remember, a little comment will inspire me to write more often!

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