4 months2013-02-27 05:21:03
In a few days we have been here in Canada for 4 months. And there's three more to go! And still, I'm getting really frustrated now because I want to do so much stuff before the season ends. I can't bother to work anymore. Mum, Oscar and Josefine is coming in a month and I don't feel like working at all when they're here so I should try to start working some extra shifts now. But I also really want to go to all the other resorts before it's too late. And I'm so jealous that Christine is going to Revelstoke tomorrow and I'm so enoyed right now!! And something else that starts to bother me is what I should do after the season. Help, too many options but I guess I should grow up soon and start to sort my life out but that doesn't sound fun to me at all.
However, I had a nice little ride break today. We hiked up to the Igloo and found some freshies. And by the way. Why had Hemsedal last season shit snow and this year they have got so much snow and over here in Canada this year the snow refuses to dump and last season they had like 30 cm every other day. Not fair at all... Please let it snow!

Me and some other lifties hiked up to the Igloo on today's ride break

Yesterday, we finally had dinner at Christine's work "The Evergreen". The food was really good!

And the tomato soup was happy
Instagram2013-02-23 06:45:19
Another Friday2013-02-23 06:28:06
The time passes so quickly over here! We have been here in 4 months soon, and that's about how long my previous skiseasons has been but here we are just in the middle of the season with the best time to come! All the other resorts close in early april but Sunshine will be open til end of May. But I really want to go to the other resorts before they close so we better make things happening soon!
We had a nice little walk in Banff the other day

The best day at Susnhine!!!2013-02-20 03:33:00
Oh man! Yesterday was a fucking awesome day! On sunday it kept snowing all day long, it snowed so much that even me, the party-obsessed Emelie stayed in on a Sunday Funday. And I'm glad I did! Even though the snow wasn't that good as we expected when we got up to Sunshine, the day came to be the best so far in Sunshine. We were riding with danish Thomas and Pat, a guy from Chrstines job and his friend Taylor. Those guys knew where to shred pow, that's for sure! Christine and I borrowed some Avi gear from some guys from work and finally we could hit the Delirium Dive, the backside of Sunshine where you have to have a beacon to even get through the gate. Everyone has been talking so much about The Dive, and it was really nice. I really want to go there when there's been even more snow. However, we did The Dive twice and then it was time for a lunchbreak before our next adventure.
Another thing I always wanted to do in Susnhine has been to hit the Wawa Ridge. And finally I got to hike up there, but we never did what they call The Ridge. This time we hiked up to the top and went down on the backside of the ridge, to the Black Tower. Most people goes down on the frontside back to the lifts but we did a run which took us about 2½ hours to do (including the hike). Everywhere else where tracked out, but where we jumped in, no one had tuched the deep snow. Pat really knew where to go, and there was a bit of hiking at times but it was so fucking awesome, I couldn't stop smiling like a baby. There where freshies everywhere and there was some open spots, some treelines, a long, narrow chute and a great pillowline. At the bottom we filled our bottles with glacier water from a creek before we were starting to hike back in the middle of nowhere. We got back to the Base, all down at the bottom of Susnhine and after all the hiking my body was aching but we where so happy and pleased that we couldn't resist a beer before we went back home.
God damn, we found the white gold of Sunshine and now I realise that I really have to save some money for my own avi gear and an avi course too. Life is good!

A rest on top of Wawa Ridge before hitting the freshies of Black Tower.

Pat on Standish

About 30 min hike up to Wawa Ridge

Almost there!

Down there the untuched powder was waiting for us

Awesome views and great powder.

About to hit the great chute
Lets hit that Delerium Dive!

Hiking back after shredding The Dive

So much hiking...
Red and white2013-02-18 04:32:27
There was a funny party earlier this week. The ski patrollers of Lake Louise had a red and white party. Everyone was dressed up or some people where even almost naked.

Johnstons Canyon2013-02-17 06:19:06
Last week we drove to Johnstons Canyon where we hiked for a few hours at a frozen waterfall. It was nice for a change, life is pretty much the same everyday here otherwise. Not that it's boring, but it's fun to see some more of Banff too! And the snow was pretty shit last week, but it's been snowing all day today so hopefully there's going to be a great powder day tomorrow.
By the way, thank's for the package and the helmet mum, I love it!

Happy Valentines Day!2013-02-14 06:12:47
I want to give my biggest love to all my freinds back home and all over the world, and especially to my family , my lovely sister Christne and my best friend Josefine. I miss you all and I hope you will have a wonderful day!

Saturday2013-02-10 03:23:18
The weather has been really wierd this week. It's been snowing for a bit but it's been so warm so all of it melts away. It's been sunny in one second and suddently it's been all cloudy and snowy. I've been working a lot around the mountain lately, I've been on different lift which has been quite fun actually. I worked Jack Rabbit yesterday, and that chair killed my arms when I was bumping it. A real workout for sure!
This morning I woke up to this great message on my phone. Our mum and brother are coming in less than two months! Yeeey, I didn't think they were coming at all, so now I'm really excited. Too bad dad can't come... And we got our package from mum this week aswell, a package that made me stay home instead of going partying. A box filled with swedish candy, and I'm in heaven!

Whish we had the snow like Revi...

Worked Divide today

Swedish candy, thank's mum! She sent us some nice pictures from when we were kids aswell. Haha we had a good laugh, and thank's mum for taking all the nice photos of Chrisse and all the horrible ones of me. It looks like I've got a mullet.
Celebrity Ski2013-02-03 03:48:00
It's been the Celebrity Ski weekend in Sunshine Village now. Pierce Brosnan and Alicia Silverstone was two of all the celebrities that were skiing around our mountain today. Unfortunatley, my lovely lift Tee Pee Town isn't Sunshine's most popular lift, so I never saw any celeb that I could recognize. But whatever, I had a lovely day in the sunshine and now my face is burnt like a lobster.
And sunshine is nice, but I want snow now! We are in desperate need of some fresh snow. Hopefully were going to Kicking Horse the next week, and maybe there will be more snow coming over there. Here's some more pics from Revelstoke when we were there:

The samll jeep with a big story behind...

I stole a pic from Mike's Instagram