Saturday2013-02-10 03:23:18
The weather has been really wierd this week. It's been snowing for a bit but it's been so warm so all of it melts away. It's been sunny in one second and suddently it's been all cloudy and snowy. I've been working a lot around the mountain lately, I've been on different lift which has been quite fun actually. I worked Jack Rabbit yesterday, and that chair killed my arms when I was bumping it. A real workout for sure!
This morning I woke up to this great message on my phone. Our mum and brother are coming in less than two months! Yeeey, I didn't think they were coming at all, so now I'm really excited. Too bad dad can't come... And we got our package from mum this week aswell, a package that made me stay home instead of going partying. A box filled with swedish candy, and I'm in heaven!
Whish we had the snow like Revi...
Worked Divide today
Swedish candy, thank's mum! She sent us some nice pictures from when we were kids aswell. Haha we had a good laugh, and thank's mum for taking all the nice photos of Chrisse and all the horrible ones of me. It looks like I've got a mullet.
Vadå hemska bilder på dig? Sen att du har en ful lugg är väl en sak men ni är så fina båda två! Kul att allt verkade finnas med i paketet. Trodde de skulle konfiskera nyponsoppan och misstänka att det var någon konstig drog eller nåt. :)
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