Oscar and mum arrived!2013-03-31 08:18:36
Yesterday, mum and Oscar arrived Banff in the afternoon and we went to their hotel to meet them. They surprised us with sprakling wine, swedish candy and Kalles Kaviar (the best thing you can ever have with eggs). We got a little "easter egg" and inside we got an brand new Iphone each! Yeeees, now the batteries will last for hopefully a whole day at least! I'm never going back to Sony Ericsson again, that's for sure!
Today we spent the whole day up at Sunshine Village and as the whole last week the weather was perfect. Everyone is amazed by the views and how good the riding is. Even if it's easter, it's not very busy, at least compared to Sweden. There's no ice on the slopes as it always is in Sweden and some people are riding in just a T-shirt (even though that's still a little bit too cold).
We cooked them dinner in our house after a long nap for everyone. I'll better go to bed and get ready for tomorrow's riding!
And dad, we miss you loads!!! Wish you could be here too!

Hangover breakfast in town

Mum <3

Lake Louise with Joe2013-03-31 07:10:50
The weather continues to stay amazing here in Banff. Bright sunshine and really warm days. It couldn't be better! And they say it's going to snow later next week which we really hope for!

Josefin in Lake

James at Sidedoor in Sunshine Village


Twin Cairns2013-03-28 06:57:12
Josefin is finally here! She arrived monday evening, and the next day it was time for some boarding. Big time. Poor little Josefin didn't even had time to think if she was jetlagged or anything, we took here out for an 1 hour hike with snowshoes and avi gear. The weather was absolutely perfect and life couldn't be better right now!
We ended the day with beers and saffron buns (yep, my lovely sister baked me "Saffransbullar"!). Great day with great people, beautiful weather and nice snow. I couldn't ask for more!

Forrest Party2013-03-23 04:24:39
Yesterday we celebrated Thomas around a little hut in the trees with maybe one or two too many beers or jägermeister shots... But however, we had fun, playing the "Irish christmas" game (aka. norsk fylla), climbing trees and going snowboarding without balance. We need to do this again soon!

Some more Lake pics2013-03-21 05:53:00
As you can see, we couldn't complain about the weather in Lake. Hopefully we will get the same weather tomorrow when Thomas in celebrating his birthday on hill. Yep, the beers are ready in the fridge, and I'm excited for a proper apré ski as I got the day off!
All photos taken by Mikes GoPro

Nice day at Lake2013-03-20 04:18:43
We went to Lake Louise today for a change and finally I had a really nice day over there! Before when I've been there it's been so icy, but today there was some fresh powder and beautiful sunshine. We ended the day with some burgers on the barbeque, beers and hot chocolate with bayleys. Over all - a really nice day!

Just married
Beautiful2013-03-19 05:17:00
We celebrated James birthday last week.

My beautiful housemates

I can be beautiful too sometimes
Saturday...2013-03-17 05:46:44
...is not a great day to have off from work in Banff. It's too busy. So instead of doing a lot of everything today, we did a lot of nothing and driving around in the car. But however, It's great to have some time off and in a week Josefine, mum and Oscar is coming and then I'm going to have loads of time off to spend with them! Yeey, I can't wait!

Springtime in Banff2013-03-13 02:31:00
I had a nice little walk around Banff for two hours today. Just me and all the squirrels that's playing around everywhere. Apparently the wildlife is waking up now, a bear showed up around Kicking Horse a couple of days ago. There´s around 8 bears living in the Lake Louise area and at least one that lives at the carpark in Sunshine, they say. A couple of cougars are running around the mountains here in Banff. The spring is around the corner!

Monday2013-03-12 05:24:00
I went through my camera and found some pics I havn't posted yet. I'm finally off tomorrow and I'm thinking of having a really long sleep in and just chill out the whole day. Maybe I'll go for a walk in the nice springweather we have in town now.

Photo competition2013-03-12 04:29:03
Alperna vs Kanada2013-03-12 03:05:00
Dagar som idag saknar jag Alperna och riktig After Ski. Var håller den hus här borta? Hur kan man inte vilja dricka öl i backen efter en grym skiddag med massor av sol och härlig snö? Folk frågar mig vad som har varit bäst av min säsong i Alpe d'Huez i Franska Alperna och Banff här i Kanada, men helt ärligt så är det väldigt svårt att svara på. Det skiljer sig väldigt mycket.
Det positiva med alperna var läget. Hela byn ligger uppe på berget och det är ski in - ski out överallt, även till pubarna. Jag jobbade på ett hotell där jag kunde knäppa på snowboarden i mitt rum och hoppa ut genom mitt fönster för att glida ner till liften som låg precis utanför om jag ville. Berget var enormt, även om Alpe d'Huez räknas som ett av de mindre resorten. Det var nästan alltid soligt, aldrig några liftköer, bra och mycket snö, underbara människor och kollegor. Dåligt betalt dock, men det är det ju här i Kanada också.
Här i Kanada måste man ta bussen till berget vilket är lite trist. Men snön här är ju grym även om det inte har snöat så mycket som vi hade hoppats på. Snön är lättare och torrare, så kallat champagne powder. De arbetar extremt mycket me säkerhet här i Kanada, och de partollerar vissa offpist ställen och bombar konstant för lavin kontroller. Säsongen är mycket längre här, från början på November ända till slutet på Maj.
För er som inte är klara med vintern än så finns det billiga skidresor till alperna nu. Det är ju också nu som är den underbara tiden med värme och sol. Om inte en kort skidresa i alperna är nog så kolla in STS Alpresor och Langley för jobb inför nästa säsong!
Lite bilder från min säsong i alperna

Winter wonderland2013-03-10 03:38:11
Today I had such a nice day at work. It's been so sunny and beautiful and everyone has been smiling all the time. It felt like spring, even though it was a bit cold. I had first break and when I got off Tee Pee this morning, I was stunned by the view. The snow was sparkeling everywhere around me and it was so beautiful. Tonight we are going into daylight savings so from now on I hope we'll catch the stunning sunrises in the mornings again.

The view from Tee Pee Town

Tee Pee is derailed2013-03-06 22:57:57
Today when I got to work they told me to go home again. My lift Tee Pee has derailed so I got the day off. When they said that it had derailed, I imagined the pictures you can see below, that the chairs fell to the ground. But it wasn't really that bad, but bad enough that they had to rope evacuate all guests from the lift. Hopefully it works again tomorrow.
Now I have booked the staff trip to Big White, so I'll go there for two nights just after my family and Josefine has been here. It won't be too much work at the end of March, but what the heck, you can earn money later in life, right? It is about to use all the time that is left here now!

Chrstine hiking the Galaxy Chutes in the Dive the other day

Kicking Horse yesterday

Tee Pee never derailed this bad, luckely! But they had to rope evecuate all the guests from the lift.

Kicking Horse2013-03-06 05:42:00
Today our little family jumped into the car and drove to Golden and Kicking Horse. We had a great day with some hiking but unfortunately not that much powder, everything was tracked out from the weekend. But we found a few nice turns and overall we had lots of fun! And finally, I made it to Kicking Horse, another resort from my bucket list!

The family, James, Christine, Michael and I. Unfortunately Blake couldn't join us this time

Steep hiking to get to T2

We made it to heaven