Damn, it's wimdy up there!2013-04-30 00:59:00
It's April. Hell yes it is. What is that weather God doing up there? He seems to be very confused. The weather changes every halfhour, and the little taste of spring we had a couple of weeks ago seems to be far, far away. The last two days has been really windy up at Sunshine. The first day we never even opened Tee Pee and after a while two other lifts had to shut down. Yesterday three lifts had to stop running after lunchtime. And today it's puking down in Banff. I'm sorry to say this, but I'm over snow now! Even if I love riding powder, I want sun and springriding in t-shirts.

The chairs at Tee Pee were swinging like crazy. At one point I thought they would fly away. The wind was up to 120k or even more.

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