Guatemala2015-01-22 18:32:43
Inte visste vi att vi skulle hamna i Bolivia igen - fast en grönare version. Guatemala påminner väldigt mycket om Bolivia på många olika sätt, och det är nästan lika billigt! Privatrum för 30-40 kronor, inte så illa alltså. Buss systemen påminde om Bolivia, små minibussar som stannar överallt och plockar upp folk, busshållsplatser existerar inte. Bankomaterna tar inte emot våra bankomatkort, och hus och gator liknade Bolivia. Alla har pratat väldigt gott om Guatemala, och av det lilla vi har hunnit se av det kan jag bara hålla med. Bra land!
// Little did we know that we would end up in Bolivia again - but a greener version of it. Guatemala is very similar to Bolivia in many different ways, and it's almost as cheap! Private rooms for $5-6, not so bad! The bus systems reminded of the ones in Bolivia, small mini buses that stops everywhere to pick people up, bus stops does not exist. The ATMs would not accept our credit card, and the houses and streets reminded very much of Bolivia. Everybody has been talking about Guatemala as one of the best countries in Central America, and of the tiny bit we have seen so far, I can only agree. Great country!
This is the craziest "human transporation" I have ever seen. Either the truck was going to to tilt over in the next curve or someone would fall off. Or if that would not happen someone would get stomped to death in there. That is how packed with people it was and that is what I would call a chicken bus. And it was drving crazy fast aswell. People hoisted themself down there in the crowd to get a "seat".
This is also the wierdest ferry I have ever seen.
This man cranked up the ledge of the ferry by hand
And this man was stearing the ferry with that one motor with 75 horsepowers
Emelie, din blogg är helt fantastisk! Bara alla kategorier man kan leta igenom, det är som ett helt uppslagsverk. TACK för att vi får följa med dig på alla äventyr!
Waow vilka priser! Vi bor för 70 kr/natten (för två) här i Portugal, men det beror ju på att vi har huset med oss...
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