Emelies Travels -

So many amazing memories
2015-01-28  01:27:00

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Snip snap snut så var sagan slut. 3,5 månader senare och 10 länder rikare. Så många nya upplevelser och lika många nya vänner. Jag kan bara säga wow - vilken resa. Det är en sådan resa som var hur underbar som helst, men den kommer växa sig ännu större ju längre tiden går och ju djupare den får sjunka in. Intryck, kulturer, upplevelser, kaosartade situationer, vackra platser, underbara människor. Så många minnen som kommer att följa med oss livet ut, och så många bilder som jag borde printa ut! Över 1100 bilder har jag lagt ut på bloggen, och det är bara en bråkdel av alla bilder som tagits. 
En resa tillsammans med mina bästa vän, enda syster och värsta fiende. Vi har haft våra sämre dagar och varit riktigt elaka mot varandra - för vi är systrar och inget elakt ord kan splittra oss. Efter de mindre bra dagarna har vi haft de absolut bästa dagarna, för trots att vi är extremt olika så känner vi varandra bättre än vi känner oss själva, och vi vet kanske för väl vad den andra vill. Vi har hanterat jobbiga situationer på bästa sätt, vi har lyckats ha skyddsänglar efter oss och vi har haft en helt fantastisk resa. Nu ska jag gå in i min post-vacation-depression och gråta lite för att allt det där underbara är slut, och försöka gå in i verkligheten igen och leva som en normal människa. 
Jag har tagit den skönaste duschen på 3,5 månader - en dusch med varmvatten. Majoriteten av alla hostel vi har bott på har inte haft varmvatten, och många hostel uppe på höjderna (där det är kallt) har haft kall-duschar utomhus. Det blir svårt att vänja sig vid att slänga toalettpapper i toaletten igen. Börja äta hemlagad mat och inte spendera frukost, lunch och middag på restaurang. Sluta äta hamburgare, pizza, tacos, pommes, toastmackor med sylt och framför allt amerikanska pannkakor med syrup. Eller glass och kakor. Använda kläder utan hål i, börja ha BH istället för bikini. Sanera min backpack från kackerlackor och bedbugs. Slippa ha kliande myggbett. Sluta tro att man ska bli rånad varje sekund av dygnet, sluta vira väskan runt benen när man sitter ned, och sluta tro att man ska bli kidnappad om man åker fel taxi. Inte ha plånboken innanför trosorna igen för att den ska förvaras säkert. Jo, det finns väl en del saker som gör att det är skönt att vara hemma igen faktiskt. Bara det inte var så himla slaskigt........
Tack till alla vi mött under resans gång som har gjort detta till en oförglömlig upplevelse!!!
10 countries (uups I forgot El Salvador). 1, Bolivia. 2, Peru. 3, Ecuador. 4, Colombia. 5, Panama. 6, Costa Rica. 7, Nicaragua. 8, Guatemala. 9, Mexico
The journey from Bolivia up to Mexico

// The End. 3.5 months later and 10 countries richer. So many new experiences and just as many new friends. I can only say wow - what a journey. So many memories that will be with us for our entire life. 
A trip with my best friend, my only sister and my worst enemy. We have had our bad days and been really mean to each other - because we are sisters and no nasty words can divide us. After the less good days we have had the absolute best days, because even though we are extremely different, we know each other better than we know ourselves, and we know perhaps too well what the other person wants. We have handled difficult situations in the best way, we have managed to have guardian angels behind us and we have had a fantastic trip. Now I'll go into my post-vacation depression and cry a bit that all of this is finished, and I will try to go get back to the real world again and live like a normal person.
I have taken the best shower in 3.5 months - a hot shower. The majority of all hostel we have stayed in have not had hot water, and many hostels on the altitudes (where it is cold) have had cold showers outdoors. It will be hard to get used to throw the toilet paper in the toilet again. To start eating homemade food and not spend breakfast, lunch and dinner at restaurants. Stop eating hamburgers, pizza, tacos, fries, toast sandwiches with jam and especially American pancakes with syrup. Or ice cream and cakes. Using clothes without holes, start having a bra instead of bikini. Sanitate  my backpack from cockroaches and bedbugs. Avoid having itchy mosquito bites. Stop believing that you'll get mugged every second of the day, stop wrap your bag around your legs when sitting down, and stop believing that you will be kidnapped if you choose the wrong taxi. And not having to put the wallet inside your panties to keep it safe. Well, there might bel some things that makes it feel nice to be back home again, actually. Only the weather wasn't this slushy........ 


Thanks to everyone we've met along the way who have made this an unforgettable experience!!!

- Went to the silver mines in Potosi
- Checked out the worlds largest salt desert in Salar de Uyuni
- Spotted flamingos in the highlands of Bolivia around the volcanos
- Smelled the sulfur/rutten eggs from the geysers at 5000 meters above sea level
- Swam with Caimans, pink dolphins and phiranas in the Amazon
- Almost fell over the edge at the worlds most dangerous road in La Paz
- Checked out the lost city of the Inkas - Machu Picchu
- Sandboarded down the sand dunes at the oasis of Huacachina
- Partied every night at this "Paradise Hotel" hostel in Máncora
- Got chased by enormous Galapagos turtles
- Kite surfed and almost drowned
- Had way too many drinks at this crazy party street called Calle de los cockteles (Cocktail street) in Montañita
- Hung out with awesome locals in the town of party, surf and rasta
- Went to a mini Galapagos island because we couldn't afford the real one
- Visited the biggest outdoor market in South America - Otavalo
- Strolled around the streets in the old town of Quito - another world heritage site 
- Stayed in a cowboy town in the mountains of Salento
- Learned how to make coffee in the cloudforests
- Enjoyed the colours of Medellin and drank Cocaine shots
- Spotted Medellin by the skytrain and the gondolas
- Looked at many cool doors in the old town of Cartagena
- Floated around in a mud volcano and looked like freaks
- Found a new favorite sport - stand up paddle boarding
- Went diving with octopuses
 - Hiked through a rainforest with mud up to our knees to see South Americas best beaches
- Went horsebackriding in the jungle
- Cooled off in the waterfalls of Minca
- Went sailing outside of Cartagena and drunk beers in coconuts
- Sailed from Colombia to Panama but the boat broke down
- Was stranded in a village of a "don't-ever-go-there" province
- Were rescued by this legend
- Enjoyed one night in the paradise of San Blas and ate lobster
- Visited the canal that unlocked the world - Panama Channel
- Acted Santa and gave christmas gifts to poor kids
 - Snokeled under docks at Bocas del Toro
- Learned how to make chocolate from scratch
- Went surfing with rastamon dudes
- Spotted animals from the rainforest in a rescue center
- Enjoyed the beaches of the Carribean
- Came across a lot of wildlife in the rainforest 
- Jumped from 10 meter waterfalls (okey, not me...)
- Surfed until my face fell off
- Had the best daydrinking-day around different pools in San Juan del Sur
- Almost killed ourself going down 55 kph down a volcano
- Sweated away in El Tunco 
- Saw the most beautiful waterfall
- Went tubing down a turquoise river
- Swam through a cave with candle lights
- Played around in bubbles in clear blue waters
- Scootered around Isla Cotzumel
- Enjoyed the beautiful beaches of Cancun
AND we have learned a lot of spanish. Especially all different words you can call a girl you've never met before:
And another word you will hear all the time and everywhere is: Peligroso - dangerous. It's peligroso to walk there, it's peligroso to carry your camera like that, it's peligroso to do this and that, it's peligroso to wait for the bus, it's peligroso to go on the bus... But we never experienced anything very peligroso.
América latina, te amo!
Jobba i Australien och Kanada

Catarajna [-foto]

Otroligt vackra bilder, vilken resa! :)

Svar: Tack! :)

2015-01-28 @ 17:59:04 Website: http://catarajna.blogg.se
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I have moved! Check out my new site at Emelie's Travels.

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My photography interest started in 2012 when I did my snowseason in Canada. I bought my first DSLR in December 2013 and since then I've been practicing on my own, always trying new things and ame for getting better photos.
- Nikon D610
- Panasonic Lumix DMC GX1
- GoPro Hero3+ Black Edition

Emelie Persson
Stockholm, Sweden

In this blog I'm writing about my life as a backpacker and a seasonal worker. I've been traveling the past five years and just can't stop. I'm simply too dependent and the grass is always greener on the other side they say... I hope to inspire and help other Travellers by sharing my experiences through this blog. If there's any questions, don't hesitate to write a comment or contact my mail. And remember, a little comment will inspire me to write more often!

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