Swimming in caves - a natural water park2015-01-22 17:30:28

We swam around in the 22 pools in Semuc Champey, and after that we went into a cave. We got hand dipped candles with us into the cave, and in the opening we were met by bats. The water was refreshing, we had to swim through the cave. We climbed up into different holes, swam even further, climbed up waterfalls inside the cave and we could jump a few meters from the wall of the cave into the water. On the way back we went through a hole where the water gushed through, as a water slide, and popped out the other side. This was sooo cool, we had no expectations at all but this turned out to be a natural waterpark inside that cave, and the only light we had was our candles. Had this been at home we had certainly had a helmet, life jacket and been covered with pillows because you could probably get pretty damaged if landed wrong. But that's what's cool anyway, it was like the most natural thing you could do, and the guide knew every corner of the cave.
Once we got out of the cave, we jumped in a rubber ring and tubed down the river. It was also sick fun. I can highly recommend a visit to Semuc Champey, among the loveliest places and the funniest things we've done on the whole trip. Clearly, among the top 3!