Yes, finally saw some bears!2013-05-23 05:49:00
UPDATE: The bears are not from a zoo, they are totally wild. We saw them along the highway, therefor the fence.
Everyone's been spotting bears around Banff now lately, and I was a bit worried that I wouldn't get the chance to see one before I'll leave. But hell yeah, today we drove to Lake Louise and saw three of them! One black bear pretty far up in the trees along the road, and two grizzlies playing around at the exit to Lake Louise, just beisde the highway. They did'nt seem to care about us at all so we went out of the car to get closer. Fuck yeah, I got to see some bears!!! Pretty awesome!
Just chill´n...
Cuddeling grizzlies
The blackbear
Häftigt att se björnar i frihet, men det verkar var någon form vilt stängsel eller.
Så himla kul att du fick se björnar innan du åker hem! Det var ju det du ville, häftigt. Riktigt häftiga bilder av mästerfotografen ;)
Rebecca Newton
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